Thursday, November 20, 2008

January 2, 2003

Hi, everyone. I hope the holidays were kind to you all. Now that they're
done, maybe we can get some rest!

Some Dan Ditties:

Signing at Borders Books this Saturday, January 4th.

Yea, I know. NOW I tell you. Sorry. See above-mentioned holiday unrest for my excuse. Anyhow, the New England HWA is sponsoring another group signing, this time at the Borders Books in Providence RI this Saturday, 1/4/03, from 7:00 - 9:00 PM. I will be signing copies of my collection CHRISTMAS TREES and MONKEYS, alongside Michael Arruda, Don D'Ammassa, Kurt Newton, Sandy DeLuca, Jon "Fixer" Merz and the event's organizer John D. Harvey. Should be a good time. The Borders is part of the new Providence Place Mall. For directions, etc, click here:

The group (sans Yours Truly, unfortunately) is also signing the following Saturday, 1/11/03, at the neighboring Borders in Cranston RI.

Signing & Reading at Princeton (MA) Public Library, January 23rd

For those of you from Princeton, note the change in date. I was originally slated for the 9th, but because of a town meeting about some Kong-sized windmills, Wendy Pape, from the library, and I decided to push out the event to avoid any conflicts.

So: on Thursday evening, January 23, 2003, from 7:00 - 8:00, I'll be reading from CHRISTMAS TREES and MONKEYS and selling / signing copies of the book. I'll make sure whatever I read is PG-rated in case there are kids there. Maybe something from "Tanner's Bomb" given the holiday season just behind us.


Speaking of CT&M, as you know any royalties I make go to the Multiple Sclerosis Society. I'll be writing my first check to them this week. Though I will not know any royalties earned from sales via Amazon, or other retailers until later on this month, I have made sales on my own via this email list, my website, and Mom. Of these, I've earned just over $200.00 in profits (I earn about $3 - $4 / book when I sell them this way). THANKS to everyone who's gotten a copy (or who is still planning to! hint hint ).

I've begun some goofy guerilla marketing for the book. I've got some CT&M business cards, and whenever I'm in a bookstore I stick them into all the Stephen King books I happen across (at least the more recent titles). Bad, naughty Dan. :-)

Short Story Sales

A couple of short story sales to report:

"Selection": my science fiction / cannibal story (yea, John A., after this summer I felt that I needed to write something sci-fi to prove I could do it! ) will be appearing in the upcoming e-anthology titled: OF FLESH AND HUNGER, edited by John Lawson and published by Double Dragon press. The "e-" part means it will be in electronic form, not print. The advantage of this is a) it'll be a lot cheaper to purchase than a printed antho, and b) you can still print out stories via your computer to read (I generally prefer doing that than reading from a screen). There are some great writers with whom I'll be sharing space in this one, including Paul Tremblay, Jeff Thomas, Scott Thomas, Kurt Newton and a lot of others whom I'd better stop listing or I'll hit my email size limit. For a full TOC, click here:

Speaking of Paul Tremblay, our co-written story "Shattered" is slated to appear soon at Fangoria's Frightful Fiction ( (select Frightful Fiction at bottom left corner), the fiction / news website of Fangoria magazine. This one was a hoot to write, and went through quite a bit of revision as we worked out exactly how to go about the story. Unfortunately, the version we finally sold does NOT contain any samurai children in bathrobes. Ah well, such is the editing process.

I'll let y'all know when it comes out.


OK, I'll let you go. Thanks for your interest. No word yet on the novel, newly titled MARGARET'S ARK. But things are moving ahead, not to worry. Any news and I'll let you know. In the meantime, I'm a quarter of the way through my new one, SOLOMON'S GRAVE. Huh? Cool title, or what? ...OK, who just said, "What"?.... :-(

Here's to a BIG 2003....


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