Tuesday, November 14, 2023

New Book! Stories from the Psalms, Volume 1

Stories from the Psalms, Volume 1 (Coffee Shops & Spaceships), Release Date November 26th!

I posted this on Facebook, but of course not everyone resides in that bastion of randomness, and it is high time I send anew email! Because I have writing news!

For as long I can remember, I was always drawn to stories that dealt with faith, either on my favorite TV shows or in books or film. I would seize upon anything that even remotely reflected back my own belief in God and oft-failing attempts to follow Jesus.

Eventually, after a number of wonderful years getting my chops as a writer in the horror industry, I noticed my long form (aka novels) invariably dealt with theses of faith. Sometimes subtle; sometimes very overt. Opportunities at some of my past churches allowed me to write devotionals - short, essay-style pieces which look at a verse of scripture and share what it means to me personally. Mini written sermons, in a way.

For the last couple of years, I'd been getting this nagging feeling I was supposed to write something that brought all of this together. What that should be was pretty clear, as was the risk of spending time on a project that, in my LOGICAL mind, might not have an audience.

I finally relented, treated the experience as a tithing (look it up) of my writing and dove in. What resulted was the new book being released in a couple of weeks:

Stories from the Psalms, Volume 1.

It has got a much longer title if you add all the subtitles but be happy you didn’t have to be around me as I worked it all out. 😊

Stories from the Psalms will be a series of short story collections based on the biblical book of Psalms. I would prayerfully read a Psalm, then write a story around whatever image popped in my head. Devotionals using fiction, in short. No particular genre (in fact, I cover a few different in this one), just whatever came to mind.

Is there anything like this out there now, one might ask? Nope, I checked. Does that mean there’s no audience for it? Hah, MAYBE NOT. I don’t regret creating this book, and look forward to releasing the remaining volumes in the future, because this has been one of the best experiences I’ve ever had creating fiction. Seriously. Maybe there’s a couple of people out there that might benefit from seeing how scripture might be interpreted by this lowly writer. If so, I’ve done my job. I enjoyed it, and I am my own best audience if nothing else.

Book Release Party!

The book officially releases Sunday, November 26th pretty much everywhere, and we’ll be celebrating with a book release party at Chaffin Church, 155 Shrewsbury Street in Holden MA around 11:30/12 noon. I’ll have copies of this and past books to sign and share. Maybe I'll read from the new book. Do they do that? I've never actually done a book release party. 

For anyone reading this who might be a writer themselves and would like me to send them an Advaced Reader Copy (either print or epub, I have both) for possible (but not mandatory) review or blurb, just ask. I'll be glad to send one along.

That's the big writing news for the moment. Nice to be in the saddle (speaking of which, last year I did write a book, but it was a ghostwriting gig so I actually can't tell you anything about it!). 

I am working currently on the sequel to Plague of Locusts, tentatively titled Morningstar. So far I'm liking what's getting vomited onto the page! More as it develops (the book, not the vomit). 

Thanks for reading!
Dan Keohane

Friday, July 2, 2021

Dan Keohane Writing News Reboot, Volume #1


Dan Keohane's Writing News, The Next Generation

Hello, everyone! Welcome to my the newest incarnation of my mailing list, using monkey mail, or e-chimp... hold on... mailchimp, that's it. So far pretty cool. If you're getting the html version it should chock full of images and clever fonts (ok, two images and the default font). I expect, now that I'm no longer bound by the shackles of the corporate world, there will be more news than in the past!

To whit.. or wit..., a couple of newsie bits:
1. Surprise new novel by David Hilman and Yours Truly
2. My story "The Bridge" now available in On Spec magazine.

The Photograph, a new YA novel now available!

Surprise announcement: THE PHOTOGRAPH, a fun, creepy YA (aka "Young Adult" - Middle grades and up) novel written by David Hilman and myself, specially written for and dedicated to David's wife Renee and their three daughters is now available! Dave had come to me with the beginnings of this novel, and asked if I would work with him on putting it together and finishing it. Normally, I'd have to think twice about accepting on such an undertaking, but for various reasons (which I won't get into here) this one was a no-brainer. Now I'd never written a YA book before, and found it immensely fun, working with him to keep the message an vision alive. It's a fun read, and again, think it's perfectly suitable for middle-school age and above. Check it out on Amazon (should appear everywhere else soon enough) here:

The Photograph: a novel: Hilman, David, Keohane, Daniel G: 9780983732983: AmazonSmile: Books

"The Bridge" in latest issue of On Spec magazine

Super-excited, as the young-uns like to say these days, to announce my science fiction story "The Bridge" is now available in On Spec Magazine. Been pouring through this unique collection of stories now and am loving it. 

More information on the magazine can be found here: 
onspecmag | The Canadian Magazine of the Fantastic (wpcomstaging.com)

(interesting, this is the first time using mailchimp and it seems to paste links differently, like it this way).

Thanks So Much For Listening

When I click "send" in a moment it'll be my first mailchimp mailing, so please excuse any hiccups. 

Thanks again for being interested in my little ventures. Hopefully, since I've officially "retired" from my day job (long story), these updates will be more frequent with a lot more exciting stuff to share. :)

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Dan Keohane News: Wicked Haunted and More!

Hi, everyone. Just a couple of quick notes with some new release information:

WICKED HAUNTED: An Anthology of the New England Horror Writers

We’re very proud to announce the newest anthology of short stories from the New England Horror Writers, WICKED HAUNTED, has been officially released this weekend! Edited by me, Scott Goudsward and David Price, featuring fiction and poetry from:

Matt Bechtel, Tom Deady, GD Dearborn, Barry Lee Dejasu, Peter Dudar, Remy Flagg, Dan Foley, doungjai gam, Emma J. Gibbon, Larissa Glasser, Patricia Gomes, Curtis M. Lawson, Bracken MacLeod, Nick Manzolillo, Paul McMahon, Paul R. McNamee, James A. Moore, Renee Mulharee, Rob Smales, Morgan Sylvia, Dan Szczesny,Kenneth Vaughan and Trisha J. Wooldridge.

Interior artwork by Ogmios, Judi Calhoun and Kali Moulton.

Cover art by Mikio Murakami

You can find the link below, and note the Kindle edition is on sale this week for only 2.99 (almost half price). This has been selling like hotcakes and is positioning itself to be as successful an anthology as last year’s WICKED WITCHES. It will officially debut this coming weekend at Salem, MA, where the NEHW will have a table. Check it out here:

NOW I LAY ME… now on Kindle!

Realized I’d never updated the fact that NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP, the charity anthology from the amazing folks at Necon and featuring my G Daniel Gunn story “A Life Unremembered” is now available on Kindle! Check it out here:

GEOSTORM – a new review on MONDAY

Oh, and by the time you read this it’ll be Monday and my latest film review at Cinema Knife Fight, this time for the newly released disaster flick, GEOSTORM, should be available. Visit www.cinemaknifefight.com to see how bad it was… I mean whether I liked it or not! You can see all my reviews at http://dankeohane-reviews.blogspot.com/

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Dan News: Wheels and Heels, Unremembered, Reviews, Books and Ghosts

Hi, everyone! OK, I’m way behind (as usual) getting this out, and the first is pretty timely (aka running out of time) so without further ado:

What’s inside:
Wheels & Heels Against MS this weekend!
New Story Published –to Benefit the Jimmy Fund
Movie Reviews
Novel status
Wicked Haunted Coming Soon

Wheels & Heels Against MS this weekend!

The MS Challenge Walk is fast approaching: My sister Anne and brother Paul are officially signed up (their 12th year together as team Wheels and Heels Against MS – Paul’s 15th overall) and ready to take on another 50 miles in their continuing fight to stamp out Multiple Sclerosis. The walk begins this weekend, beginning Friday September 8th.

Multiple Sclerosis is a frightening disease that affects the central nervous system.  The symptoms may be mild (such as numbness in the limbs) or severe enough to cause blindness or paralysis. The severity and specifics of the symptoms of MS can’t yet be predicted, but advances in research and treatment are giving hope to all affected by the disease.

Your donations to the National MS Society are the key to new treatments.  They hope that you can continue to be a beacon of hope for all who battle this disease.  No donation is too small!  
As in the past, there are two ways you can donate.  

·         The fastest and most convenient way would be to click on Paul’s name or Anne’s at:

·         You can also mail a check, making it out to The National MS Society

Their addresses are:
                        Paul Keohane                         Anne Murphy 
                        2 Jillian Rose Dr                    13 Apache Way 
                        Oxford, MA 01540                Tewksbury, MA 01876

Paul & Anne offer you their heartfelt thanks!

New Story Published in NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP –to Benefit the Jimmy Fund
So I am way behind posting this (was stalling, waiting for the kindle version, but it looks like there’s not going to be one for a while – print-only for the time being)

“There is no greater horror in the world than watching a loved one battle cancer ... especially if that loved one is a child. But we are not powerless against this disease, and some of the world’s finest purveyors of nightmares have come together to fight a monster far scarier than anything they could ever dream up. Necon E-Books is honored to present NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP, an anthology of horror bedtime stories from which 100% of all proceeds will be donated to The Jimmy Fund.”
Edited by P.D. Cacek and Laura J. Hickman, the lineup is amazing. My newest G Daniel Gunn short story “A Life Unremembered” is included here. Check out the anthology and give to a good cause here: https://goo.gl/6zZjWG
Movie Reviews

So I’ve done a few movie reviews / commentaries since we last talked.

ALIEN: COVENANT (2017) – actually this is a commentary on where this overall origin story of ALIEN (1979) is heading, and to be un-modest, it’s one of my better articles (completely ridden with spoilers, though, be warned)

Coming soon, reviews for the new KINGSMAN film, and GEOSTORM, which looks like a hoot (end of the world style)

To keep tabs on all my reviews and where to find them, you can visit www.dankeohane.com and click “Movie Reviews” or go directly to dankeohane-reviews.blogspot.com

Novel Status

What’s up with the fiction writing? Well, briefly, I have two completed novels in the can, PLAGUE OF LOCUSTS by Daniel G. Keohane and LOST IN THE WOODS by G Daniel Gunn. I’m currently out there marketing to agents, etc. Getting some promising nibbles, but just that – it’s a long process. But pressing forward. They’re really good – I like them at least, lol – so they’ll find a home.

I haven’t started a new project yet, simply because co-editing a new anthology is sucking up my time (see below). But that’s getting close to being done, and am going to be jumping into a project soon. Need to write every day, and I’m starting to getting very angst-ridden lately about not. Editing is fun, but it’s not writing! Not really... No, it’s not. It’s editing!

Wicked Haunted Coming Soon

I’m co-editing the new New England Horror Writers anthology with Scott T Goudsward and David Price, my third with these guys after WICKED TALES and WICKED WITCHES. The new one, coming this Fall, is WICKED HAUNTED. Ghost stories of all types. More as it develops, but it’s coming along very nicely.

OK, there’s probably more, but if so, keep an eye on my website or Facebook, for up-to-the-minute news. And, as I always say but never follow-through, I’ll try to get these out a little more often.
Thanks for your interest!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Daniel G Keohane / G Daniel Gunn Update as of 1/14/17

Hi, everyone. Long time no talk. A lot's been going on in the writing world of Daniel G Keohane / G Daniel Gunn, so let's jump right into it:

Solomon's Grave version 2

After a seven year run with Dragon Moon Press, I recently got the rights back to my first published novel, Solomon's Grave from the publisher and have put it out again under the Other Road Press line, so it will still be available. Beforehand, I ran through the manuscript, tightening it up a bit and trying to make it read less "first novel"-ish. :)  Special shout-out to cover artist Lynne Hansen who did the spectacular new cover for this second edition. It's now available (at a much lower price for the print edition) at all outlets, as well as the kindle on Amazon. You can find it all here: https://goo.gl/Z3w7pt

Nightmare in Greasepaint Going Away (For Now)

Samhain Publishing has folded its entire horror line, and reverted the rights back to all of its authors. Well, it was fun while it lasted. Lauran (LL) Soares and I are considering options for finding a new publisher for Nightmare in Greasepaint, getting it back into print in some manner. Until then, looks like the novella, and the overall anthology Childhood Fears, is officially out of print as of this morning.

Wicked Witches

This past October Scott Goudsward, David Price and I edited a new anthology for the New England Horror Writers, called Wicked Witches: An Anthology of the New England Horror Writers. Twenty-four original short stories and poems from some of the best horror writers in the New England region. This anthology has taken off in a huge way since its release in Salem on Halloween weekend, including a two-page spread in Rue Morgue Magazine! The three of us were interviewed a little while ago on the Taco Society podcast as well if you want to learn more (see it here: http://dankeohane.blogspot.com/2016/11/wicked-witches-interview-at-taco-society.html

New Movie Reviews

Since we last talked, I've had a few new film reviews out with Cinema Knife Fight, including FANTASTIC BEASTS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM, 400 DAYS, BEN-HUR, etc. You find find a list of what's out there at http://dankeohane-reviews.blogspot.com/

Speaking of Samhain Dropping Horror
Borderlands 6, the anthology which featured my and Paul Tremblay''s story "Shattered" and many more amazing works, has put its trade paperback out through Samhain, so I'm not certain how long this version will be available before it dissapears. The Trade Paperback (and Kindle) are still out there at https://goo.gl/2GdJJF (and the deluxe hardcover as well direct from Borderlands Press is here: https://goo.gl/z4bljv )

What About New Stuff?

Glad you asked, since all good. My new sci-fi novel Plague of Locusts (Daniel G Keohane) is done, and at the moment I'm pinging a few agents, trying the soul-crushing process again of trying to find an agent and/or publisher. Anyone know of any good ones who might want to take a look, let me know. 

Also, nearly the same with a new horror novel Lost in the Woods (G Daniel Gunn). This is is creepy and, I think, a riot. I haven't laughed this much editing a novel. Now, what I think is amusing and the rest of the world isn't always the same thing, and it's not a comedy, but it has its moments. This one is just about in the can, just need to finish the final round of edits before getting it into some early readers' hands. It's good though, and pretty original.

I think that's it. No new short fiction, hasn't been a short story in a long time. Been focusing on the novels.

Hope everyone had a great round of holidays and here's to hoping 2017 is a good one... I mean a really, really good one.


Sunday, June 26, 2016

Dan News Update: Borderlands 6, Madhouse and New Reviews

Hi, everyone. Some quick notes (some of which needed to go out a couple of weeks back but life got in the way and, well, I forgot, sorry!)

1. Borderlands 6
2. Madhouse
3. Independence Day: Resurgence Review

BORDERLANDS 6 Now Available

So my evil twin G Daniel Gunn has a story, written with the estimable Paul Tremblay, called "Shattered" now available in the long awaited sixth volume of the famed BORDERLANDS anthology series, edited by Tom and Olivia Monteleone. 

The blurb: This non-themed anthology of horror features never-before-published works by: M. Louis Dixon, John McIlveen, Jack Ketchum, Rebecca J. Allred, Dan Waters, Michael Bailey, John Boden, Trent Zelazny & Brian Knight, Bob Pastorella, Peter Salomon, Carol Pierson Holding, Steve Rasnic Tem, Darren O. Godfrey, David Annandale, Anya Martin, G. Daniel Gunn & Paul Tremblay, Gordon White, Sean M. Davis, Tim Waggoner, Bradley Michael Zerbe, and Gary A. Braunbeck. Also included, one amazing previously published novelette by David Morrell.

It's now available at all major retailers. Find it in paperback and kindle on Amazon here: 

Also available, a very limited hardcover edition, signed by all contributors, available directly from Borderlands Press here:

MADHOUSE Anthology Now Available!

Speaking of long-awaited, MADHOUSE, a shared world horror anthology edited by Benjamin Kane Ethridge and Brad C. Hodson, is also now available. Every story is creepily illustrated by the amazing artist Aeron Alfrey. Another G Daniel Gunn story, "My Dearest Gwendolyn" is featured here! This is the description:

In the middle ages, it was thought that insanity was contagious. Centuries on, we label such ideas as superstitious ignorance. But when John Doe begins to speak after decades of silence, the staff and patients at the Golden Canyon Behavioral Health center begin to realize that behind every superstition lies a horrid truth. 

On the night that a vicious sandstorm closes the roads and seals the doors, a plague of madness spreads through the hospital. Two staff members try desperately to hold onto their sanity while searching for the cause – and, hopefully, the cure – of the outbreak. 

But they’re not alone. In this shared world anthology edited by Brad C. Hodson and Bram Stoker Award® winner Benjamin Kane Ethridge, some of the genre’s most talented authors present their own sanity shattering tales. With fiction by John Skipp, Jeff Strand, Scott Nicholson, Lisa Morton, John Palisano, and many others, the horrible truth is revealed bit by awful bit. Step inside and find out what it’s truly like in the MADHOUSE.

It's a gorgeous book! You can find it everywhere, in paperback and ebook. Here's the Amazon link:


On Monday (as of midnight, Sunday night), my review of the blockbuster release INDEPENDENCE DAY: RESURGENCE (2016) will be showing at Cinema Knife Fight (http://www.cinemaknifefight.com)

I have other recent reviews as well. Find all the links at 

OK, that's it! Thanks for reading. :)