Hi, everyone. Long time no talk. Here's what we'll be briefly covering here today (pay attention, class):
1. Important note (If you want to continue getting these news thingies)
2. "Selection" now appearing in Cemetery Dance, issue # 48
3. Andrew Keohane MS Walkathon
4. Christmas Trees & Monkeys - total $ to MS
5. Most Recent Valuable Prize Winner
6. Novel Update....
1. IF YOU WANT TO CONTINUE getting these....
I'm going to do something a little different... it's time to give folks a chance to stop receiving these notices (perfectly understandable, considering the plethora of emails these days). Pay attention now... you're not paying attention... that's better: IF YOU WANT to CONTINUE receiving these little updates from me, please REPLY to this email. No need to write anything in the letter, just click "reply" then "send". I'll be rebuilding my mailing list from this new list. If you'd rather not, no problem whatsoever. I get enough emails myself I can understand. But if you DO wish
to continue getting these, you need to reply to let me know (do it now, though, before you forget, then come back in here and keep reading.)
2. SELECTION in Cemetery Dance this month....
My short story, "Selection", which originally appeared in the e-book "of Flesh and Hunger" last year, is now featured in the new issue of Cemetery Dance magazine, available at most major bookstores (might take a week or so, since I just got my contributor copies yesterday). You can also order a copy online at www.cemeterydance.com . The illustration for "Selection" is FANTASTIC, by the talented artist Michael Apice. The artwork is worth the price of admission alone.
3. ANDREW Walking in Worcester Wegardless of Weather...
My son, Andrew, is doing the Worcester Multiple Sclerosis Walk next month with my wife Janet and other family members. Anyone interested in sponsoring him, you can make an online donation, via the MS website:
Once there, you click on "Epledge" (located on the left-hand sidebar menu about 3/4 of the way down). Enter the last name (Keohane), then first name (Andrew) then click "submit to continue" button. The rest should be self-explanatory (I hope). Their online pledging can be sluggish at times, so be patient. Thanks in advance!
4. CT&M's Running Total for MS....
Speaking of the MS Society, I recently wrote another check to them from the proceeds of the last few months of sales of my story collection Christmas Trees and Monkeys. The total amount paid to MS to date is now $743.74.
Thanks again to everyone who purchased a copy over the last year and a half. It's been a lot of fun.
5. Valuable Prizes....
Congrats to TIM LEBBON who walked away (or SWAM in this case, since he lives all the way across the "Big Blue Wet Thing") after the last Dan update, with the original Godzilla: King of the Monsters! (The exclamation point is part of the title, I believe). I've recently added more sparkling ultra-modern VHS tapes to the list of DVD-replaced titles for the NEXT WINNER, who will be chosen soon after I send this letter out.
6. Solomon's Grave....
...is finished, and off to a bunch of publishers (I have to use an interesting clearing house approach to reach most of the Christian Publishing houses these days, long story...). Hopefully one of publishers who'll get the proposal this month will be so wow'd by it they'll give it a second look. Many thanks to folks who helped me out over the sometimes arduous (and in this case, looong) course of getting this baby down: as always, my much-better-half Janet (aka "Herself"), Mark Lowell, Fran Bellerive, Alton Gansky, Rev. Dave Switzer and Estonia's own Mario Kivistik for his translation prowess at the 11th hour, my little 'uns Andrew, Amanda and Audrey for they sometimes embarrassing enthusiasm for Dad's little dream. And the Lord, of course, for all of the above. I have a feeling I missed someone, but I can't find my list (gulp). My apologies, if so. More as I know anything on this bugger.
That's it. Thanks for reading down this far. Now go read something interesting. And go to church. You never know what might happen.
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