Thursday, November 20, 2008

February 1, 2002

Hi, everyone.

Well, as of today it's official - the CD-ROM anthology Extremes 4: Darkest Africa, containing my original short story "White Wave of Mercy" is now available! Anyone who pre-ordered a copy from Lone Wolf Publications should be seeing it arrive soon. You can order a copy from their website (, but the 25% pre-pub discount is no longer. However, as a contributor, I get a pretty substantial discount for as many copies as I'd like to order. If you'd like a copy, let me know and I'll let you have it for the slightly-more-than-25% discounted price of $13.00. The difference between this and what I'll pay will just cover the shipping costs. One person has already asked for this, so don't be shy.

Extremes 4 also contains short fiction by M.W. Anderson (who also illustrated EVERY story in the collection!), Jennifer Rachel Baumer, Janet Berliner, Dicksie Dudeney, William D. Gagliani, Jon Hodges, Gerard Houarner, Charlee Jacob, Michael Laimo, Steven Mohan, Jr., Simon Morden, Michael Oliveri, Earl W. Parrish, Christopher Paul, Diana Price, John B. Rosenman, John F. Saunders, Justin Stanchfield and James van Pelt. That's a LOT of stories, all centering around the Dark Continent.

Finally, - though my always-beloved proof-readers are racing through my manuscript with red pens, it can be safely said that the final draft of my second novel, The Ark on the Common, is done. Anybody on this list have a New York agent they'd like to recommend, I'm all ears! I'm definitely in the market for representation. Tell them it's a REALLY good book. You'll have to take my word on that. :-)

Thanks, folks. And, since I AM the sports expert in the family, I anticipate the Patriots to win the Superbowl by two homeruns in the ninth inning!


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